Failed Unicorn

Logo: Failed Unicorn

Sometimes brews does not go like you want it to go. Fairy tale ends up sour. This time Unique Unicorn was just a corny horse.

This time we failed mashing, causing this beer to have very low level of alcohol, barely over 2%. Alone that would not matter, if we wouldn’t have strong metallic taste on it.

It’s not dangerous, but taste like shit. This is what we do: celebrate the failure!

Please welcome: Failed Unicorn.


  • Style: Session IPA
  • IBU: 110
  • Alcohol: about 2.4% vol
  • Malts: Pale Ale, Cara Pale
  • Hops: Chinook, Citra, Cascade, Centennial


  • Batch size: 18 liters
  • Bottles: 15 bottles (0.33l) and keg.
  • Brewed: 2019-03-24
  • Bottled: 2019-04-10
  • Best before: 2019-06-10